We Support

Learn more about the community foundations we support. Together, we are helping children live healthier lives.

Ollie’s Branch offers compassionate, accessible mental health support to allow peace of mind for families and caregivers of children with or affected by pediatric heart disease. We do this by offering 8 free therapy sessions with a licensed mental health professional, and we are always welcoming new clients into our community.

If you know of any heart warriors or their family members/caregivers in need of mental health support, please refer them to olliesbranch@theohhf.org.

If you would like additional information or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to olliesbranch@theohhf.org.

CHD Families

KC Pediatric Cardiology is pleased to support the efforts of CHD Families. Feel free to ask us any questions in regards to this wonderful organization and we will be happy to get you in contact with them! For more information, please click the photo.

Run For Little Hearts

The Run for Little Hearts is a fantastic, fun yearly event held in Lee’s Summit which helps children born with birth defects of the heart attend a special “Heart Camp” every summer.


Carter’s Gift from the Heart

Carter’s Gift From The Heart foundation was started in memory of our son James Carter Grace. Carter was a very healthy, happy and active little boy. He loved to be outside playing, running, and searching for bugs. He was truly a joy and loved by all that knew him.

On June 25, 2000 Carter died suddenly at the age of three years and eleven months. The cause of his death was found to be viral myocarditis. This inflammation of the heart was probably caused by the flu he had earlier that week. The result was an abnormal heart rhythm, which led to sudden cardiac arrest. Sudden cardiac arrest can be an unpredictable, silent killer. Carter did not have any warning signs prior to his death. Because of our experience, we know how important it is to live in a heart safe community.

Carter’s Gift From the Heart foundation was started in 2002. It is supported by an annual golf tournament called The Kids Classic. Carter’s foundation works to place Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) in schools, churches, and other places where people gather. AEDs provide electrical defibrillation (shock) and have been designed to be used by nonmedical people outside the hospital setting. Defibrillation must occur within minutes after cardiac arrest to increase the chance for survival. Our family has been faced with an indescribable loss. We hope that because of Carter’s short life, others experiencing sudden cardiac arrest may have a second chance.

Download The Kids Classic 2014 Registration Form (Click Here)

Thank you for supporting us in our goal –

The Grace Family

“I alone can’t change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

— Mother Theresa